As a Birth Doula

I accompany women during the birth of their baby offering supportfor a safe and satisfying birth experience. I draw upon my childbirth and pregnancyknowledge and experience to provide emotional support, physical comfort and clearinformation to women and their partners.

I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, makesuggestions for labour progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning andother techniques for comfort.

As a Doula, I do not perform clinical tasks, such as blood pressures, fetalassessments, vaginal exams etc. I am present to provide for your physical comfort,emotional support and advocacy.

In addition to having a medical care provider it’s essential that you also havesomeone holding space for you and acknowledging your unique personaltransformation to becoming a mother.

My role is to help you have a satisfying birth as you define it. The more we explorethis in advance, the better I will be able to fulfil this role.

I support ALL births

At a hospital, homebirth, birth centre, for a VBAC, Naturalbirth, Induction or a positive Caesarean Section Birth.

Your Investment

$950 includes:

  • 2 x 1.5 hour meetings pre-natal (get to know each-other, birth plan & wishes,birth preparations, counselling, meditation/ visualisations)
  • On call 24 hours 2 weeks before and 2 weeks prior due date.
  • There to support, empower and nurture you during your birth.
  • 1 x 1.5 hour post-natal visit (birth de-brief, mothers care, new-born support).
  • Further meetings, pre and post-natal Yoga & Pilates Sessions, and ‘PositiveBirthing Workshop’ services also available. Additional costs.

For more information contact Tenille​
Call +0423 841 155


What My Clients Say?

  • “Thank you Tenille. We couldn’t have done it without you. You are an incredibleDoula. I am so lucky to have met you. You were there for us all the way and that’swhat makes it so special. I felt really supported.”
    ~ Fernanda
  • “Giving Birth can be the most empowering experience of a lifetime- an initiation into anew dimension of mind-body awareness.”
    ~ Ina May Gaskin
  • “Giving Birth can be the most empowering experience of a lifetime- an initiation into anew dimension of mind-body awareness.”
    ~ Ina May Gaskin
  • “Giving Birth can be the most empowering experience of a lifetime- an initiation into anew dimension of mind-body awareness.”
    ~ Ina May Gaskin

Positive Birthing Workshops

Prepare for a Positive Birth experience… The Workshop will include a focus on thefollowing areas.

  • Breathing, Meditation, Massage, Exercises & movement (lots of tips and tricks)
  • Positions for labour
  • Your partner’s role
  • Your emotional and mental state
  • Birth plan
  • How to handle Intervention
  • A day for just you and your baby
  • We will end the day with some movement and meditation/relaxation.


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