
Women this is a time of celebration, of enjoying life, of enjoying YOU! Unfortunately many of us treat menopause as a ‘midlife disease’ or something to be avoided. Well with a little bit of self-care and preparation and a change in the way you think about menopause it can be just another experience in a woman’s life. Our preparations leading in to menopause is what is most important. At the stages of peri-menopause or pre-menopause is when we seem to incur most of the changes and effects of menopause.

These are a few ways to support your body and its changes during this time:

– Nutrition/ Diet
– Exercise
– Retreats
– Acupuncture
– Massage

‘Menopause does not need to be a midlife crises… With a bit of self-care, it can be a time to enjoy life and celebrate being YOU!’

Private & Group Sessions available with Tenille
These sessions can specialise in the following:
– Pilates
– Yoga
– Relaxation (restorative Yoga)
– Meditation
1hr session- $70
Class & small group options also available.

Contact Tenille on 0423841155 or


Yoga/Pilates DVD with Tenille



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  • Self Love and giving back to you… Yes you deserve it!Self Love and giving back to you… Yes you deserve it!
    As women and especially if you’re a mother we hold on to so much unnecessary guilt and the need to want to offer more. Today’s society of women is very different to one of 20 years ago. It’s not right or wrong it’s just different. We more work, we exercise more, we look after our [..]


  • “I began Pilates with Tenille back in 2009 after encouragement from my daughter for a healthy passive approach to a lifestyle exercise. I’ve found immense satisfaction with Tenille’s dedicated passion for teaching and achieving the best results for each and every client. I look forward each week to my semi-private classes and believe she is dedicated to each clients personal needs/requirements and goals. My only regret is I didn’t discover Pilates earlier.”

  • “I started doing the Pregnancy Pilates/Yoga classes with Tenille when I was 28 weeks pregnant. I loved that it challenged my body and made me feel fit during my pregnancy. You so often get told during pregnancy what you can”t do… LOVED that you CAN do everything in Tenille”s Prenatal classes. Another benefit was how clam and relaxed I felt during and after each session. Tenille”s calming presence and guidance helped me connect with my bump and disconnect from the stressful parts of the day, even on the most tired days. I recommend Tenille”s Prenatal classes to any first time or experienced mum. My personal experience was such a positive one that I have encouraged all my pregnant friends to give it a go.”

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