Top 4 Exercises for Fertility…….
1.Mother pose
heart chest and shoulders and open the lower back, pelvis and womb
perfect for fertility.
• Lying over a bolster or a few rolled up blankets.Allow your bottom
to rest of the floor (or if tight in the lower back sit up on a cushion
to elevate your hips a little). Arms open widet o the side.Feet together
and knees wide in a diamond-‐like position.• Just lie,rest,breathe and open. Close your eyes. Hold the pose for 5-‐15 minutes.
• Variations to make the exercise easier
i. Elevate your upper body or head with a cushion.
ii. Place blanket/cushion under each knee if tight in
hips and inner thighs.
• If you don’t have a bolster roll up a few blankets to make a cylinder.
2.Hip circles(Fit-‐ball/ Exercise Ball)
tightness in your lower back.It will help you to connect your pelvic floor and lower abdominal sand create good blood circulation and connection in your womb area.• Seated on the centre of a Fit-‐ball with your feet a bit wider than hip width apart.
• Allow just your hips,lower back and pelvis to circle in each direction 10 times.
• Use your pelvic floor to help create the circle and try to keep your hips and
glutes (bottom muscles)relaxed.
• Variation:you could also do this exercise on all fours or standing.
3. Seated with Legs wide
helping to increase blood circulation and open the pelvis area.• Seated up on cushion (the tighter you are through the hips,lower back and inner thighs may
depend on how high you elevate yourself).
• Legs open to a comfortable wide position
• You can start with some pelvic rocks back and forward-‐allow your tailbone to tuck under and then
tilt backward.
• Then hold the pose for 8-‐15 slow breathes with hands either at the side of your thighs or rested
in front of you if you feel you have the flexibility.
4. Legs up the wall
• This is another restorative posture, which helps to relax the body and bring energy down to
the hips,lower back and pelvis.It allows the blood to circulate downward from feet to lower back.
A great de-stressor.
• Lying on your back with your bottom up against the wall and your legs up the wall.Arms to the side.
Just rest,relax and breathe. Hold for 5-10 minutes.
• Variations:
i. Place a cushion or bolster under the hips/pelvis to help relax the legs and lower back more
and allow blood to circulate further down to the heart.
ii. Legs could open out wide (great for pelvis and womb opening and connection) or in a diamond
In Health & Happiness,
Tenille Samuelson