The Universe is Teaching me Patience…
So the universe has decided that I needed to learn a little more about being patient… I’m not one to wait around as usually when I want something I’m out there doing all I can to make it happen and get results. But like I learnt when trying to conceive my now 2 years old daughter, Maeve, patience has made it’s way back in to my life, teaching me about taking each day as it comes, accepting I can not control every situation and letting go of anxiety.
I won’t lie it is hard, especially when I feel tired, drained, heavy and sore. For those of you who know me well, this is not my usual self. I love the feeling of being energised, feeling fit and in control of my life. However, for now I must be patient and with patience come acceptance and with acceptance comes this feeling of nurture and care. Wow, maybe I had to come back to being in tune with simply being a Mother and nothing more! I am learning universe, I am listening and I will do my best to surrender to letting go and just BEING!
It’s amazing at only 27 days in to 2017 what lessons one can learn? What are you learning so far this year?
Maybe it is Patience for you to. I do feel this is an area a lot of us need to work on… Whether it is having more patience for our children, awaiting the completion of a work project, house renovations, falling pregnant, passing a sickness, trying to lose weight, a friend to call… We are all having to be patient at some point or another just at times it has more control on our lives and during these times you must surrender and accept that it will happen as it should.
So if you don’t hear from me much for the next few weeks I appoligise, but I think it is time I slow down and fully embrace in my baby and Motherhood… and just BE!
I hope I have taught you greater patience for your year ahead.
And I leave you with this…
‘Patience is a form of Wisdom. It demonstrates that we understand and accept the fact that sometimes things must unfold in their own time’.
In Love & Happiness
Tenille x