Heart to Womb… Preparing for Fertility Naturally!
‘ Fertility comes down to the connection between our hearts and wombs. No matter what stage we are at, whatever we physically and emotionally feel in our hearts will affect our womb.’
The following Blog comes straight from my book ‘Heart to Womb- A guide to prepare for Fertility Naturally’ which is in its final stages of completion… For those of you thinking about having a baby soon or are in the journey of trying this Blog is for you…
If there is one piece of advice I can offer, it is to start treating your body as if it is already pregnant. This will give your body time to prepare and adjust both physically and mentally.
‘Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, your body will achieve’. ~ Napoleon Hill & ‘The Secret’.
Below is the final Summary in my book…
- Take 4-6 months to PREPARE your body before wanting to fall pregnant.
- Clean up your DIET by eating whole-foods, seek a naturopath or nutritionist to give you specialised guidance and make sure your dietary levels of essential nutrients are balanced and healthy.
- BALANCE your adrenals to lower stress levels. You can see your acupuncturist or naturopath to test your adrenal levels. Other ways to help balance you adrenals are through rest, sleep, breathing, yoga, Pilates and meditation.
- To help create a body that’s internally, emotionally and mentally ready to help house a baby seek an acupuncturist. They can also assist in regulating your hormones, monthly cycle, stress levels and overall allowing your body to work as balanced as possible.
- Attend EXERCISE that promotes awareness of your internal self, balances mind and body and is breath focused e.g. yoga, Pilates, dance, music and swimming.
- Create movements that OPEN, RELEASE and stimulate BLOOD CIRCULATION in your pelvis, lower back and womb area. (hip circles, body circles, lower belly breathing, hip stretches, salsa dancing, pelvic floor awareness).
- Create SOFTNESS within your body through deep belly breathing, gentleness in your practice and movements. Also creating softness in your abdominal’s brings more warmth and awareness to this area.
- RELEASE tension and stress from the womb area and allow your body to just let go. Be assured to know that ‘crying can return your strength. Let those tears flow as it releases high levels of cortisol and is a great way to release and de-stress the body.
- The CONNECTION between your ‘heart and womb’ is the most imperative during fertility. If your body is stressed and constantly in fight or flight mode then your organs will receive less blood circulation and connection. Try to find ways that de-stress you and use visualization mediation techniques to connect you to your body, heart and womb. (Refer to Page ___ for Visualisation meditation example).
- Remember the MIND is Powerful. What you believe, you will achieve. You have a fertile body!
In conclusion, if you can take 4-6 months to prepare your body for pregnancy, then you will be more aware of any issues that may lie ahead and once you do fall pregnant you are more likely to hold your pregnancy and grow a healthy and happy baby. The calming affects of connecting with your breath, becoming aware of your posture, cleaning up your diet, and the use of acupuncture, restorative yoga postures and visual meditations, will help to support you during the ups and downs while trying to conceive.
Becoming fertile is a journey of self discovery, self- love and self-care!
All my love
Tenille x